Hopscotch Playland

As an artist, I dream of someday having 
an agent represent my work internationally.  So when I heard of a design contest
sponsored  by one of the industries top agents, Lilla Rogers...
I just had to give it a try!
Through the process, I created a dream-like playground
filled with magical chalk drawings and hopscotch!
It's called,
Hopscotch Memories.
I've always loved good design and mixing traditional elements
right along side of whimsical styles.
Bright colors and textures are also a must 
for anything I create.  Below is an original pattern created
in my studio from acrylic paint and a hand made foam stamp.
This became my color palette!
To get started, I created "inspiration boards" in photoshop
filled with fun, whimsical elements I might want 
to use in my journal cover design.
I also played with patterns and colors...
putting things together that I normally wouldn't think of...
this really gets the creative juices flowing
and helps you think outside the box!
I  doodled freely on my Wacom drawing pad...
sketched quickly,
and just let my mind wander back to memories of childhood, 
and playing in the park.
And then finally, after freeing my mind, 
I began reeling it back in again...
using proper principles and elements of design.
My main theme became hopscotch and side walk chalk, but the 
circular shape and design of the merry-go-round became round medallions, 
and I repeated them often.
The "setting" for my contest entry is a 
dream like playground where the imaginary comes to life.
Naturally, I started with a little girl playing hopscotch. But suddenly and
quite accidentally, she discovers the unlimited fun and friends
she can create with her chalk!  Before she knows it,
she's enthralled in her imaginary land filled with 
friends, flowers, hopscotch and
melting ice cream! Bright colors
flow everywhere... chalk friends become best friends 
and merry go rounds become medallions in the sky.
I ultimately chose and developed the design
at the top of this post, but can't help but be
excited to develop an entire line of Hopscotch Memories*!
My biggest hope with my design is to "inspire the journal lover
to be whisked off into a magical world of their own...
filling the pages with hopes, dreams and possibilities!"
Thanks for reading...

*as always, copyright applies!
Renee Mak 2013


  1. Thank you Gloria! Hope all is well with you.. have a blessed Sunday!

  2. Hi Renee! I love the process you went through to create this cover! The cover is beautiful filled with colors and details. Good luck!

  3. Hello hello! I went to your blog and then I had to go downstairs and completely forgot to leave my reply.

    I loved reading your approach. It's so dreamy and fun to see how it all evolved. I'm so with you on the whole "having more ideas and wanting to create an entire line"!! *high fives*

    Wish you lots of luck and consider me your new follower. :)

    Ciao xoxo

  4. Hi Renee,
    This is beautiful! I love your color palette, so lively & cheerful!



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